From January 2025
Wednesday changed meditation times: Start 18:00 - end 20:15
1st Wednesday of the month - Bhagavad Gita reading circle: from 18:00 - approx. 18:30
Welcome to the Meditation Center Munich of
Gemeinschaft der Selbst-Verwirklichung / Self-Realization Fellowship
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"To commune daily with God in deep meditation, and to carry His love and guidance with you into all your dutiful
activities, is the way that leads to permanent peace and happiness."
~ Paramahansa Yogananda
This meditation center is composed of devoted members and friends of Self-Realization Fellowship (in German: Gemeinschaft der Selbst-Verwirklichung)*, a
worldwide nonprofit religious organization, with international headquarters in Los Angeles, California. Self-Realization Fellowship was founded in 1920 by Paramahansa
Yogananda (author of "Autobiography of a Yogi") for the purpose of disseminating Kriya Yoga, a definite scientific technique for attaining direct personal experience of God.
Through its worldwide service and teachings, Self-Realization Fellowship seeks to awaken greater understanding of the harmony underlying all true religions, and a fuller expression in this world
of the love that unites all people when they realize their oneness in God.
*Gemeinschaft der Selbst-Verwirklichung (GSV), incorporated as non-profit organization in Germany since 1974, is affiliated with Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF), an international religious organization. For the official Website of Self-Realization Fellowship please follow https://yogananda.org.
In divine friendship
SRF Meditationszentrum München
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Schedule of Service
"Group meditation is a castle that protects the new spiritual aspirants as well as the veteran meditators. Meditating together increases the degree of
Self-realization of each member of the group by the law of invisible vibratory exchange of group magnetism."
~ Paramahansa Yogananda
Sunday Service
10:00 - 10:50 Meditation
11:00 - 12:00 Service reading
(Possibility to join the service reading between 10:50 and 11:00 o'clock. Parents can join the service from 11:00 o ́clock
together with their children in the chapel in the basement. Parents are responsible for their children, which can play
in the winter garden.)
18:00 - 18:50 Bhagavad Gita Study
(only every first wednesday each month)
19:00 - 21:15 Meditation and Healing service
(Possibility to join between 20:00 - 20:10 o'clock)
From January 2025
Wednesday changed meditation times: Start 18:00 - End 20:15
(It is possible to come between 19:00 and 19:10.)
1st Wednesday of the month - Bhagavad Gita reading circle: from 18:00 - approx. 18:30
18:00 - 21:00 Meditation
(Possibility to join between 19:00 - 19:10 and 20:00 - 20:10 o'clock)
Friday befor 3st Saturday of the month
18:00 - 21:00 Kirtan
(Possibility to join between 19:00 - 19:10 and 20:00 - 20:10 o'clock)
1st Saturday of the month
14:00 - 20:00 6-hour Meditation
17:00 - 17:20 Break
(Possibility to join, for the 2nd part of the meditation, during the break)
Third Sunday of the month
After the Sunday Service getting together, see information board one week in
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Here you can find contact details of the SRF Mother Center in LA California. The Mother Center would be
pleased to help you in all matters concerning the SRF.
International Headquarters
3880 San Rafael Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90065-3219 USA
Tel: +1 323 225 2471
Fax: +1 818 549 5100
If you want to get in contact with us, we look forward to your message.
SRF Meditationszentrum München
Gemeinschaft der Selbst-Verwirklichung e.V.
Liebherrstraße 4
80538 München
Tel: +49 (0) 89 -24 29 20 99
koordinationsteam.srf.muc (at) gmail.com
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© OpenStreetMap-contributors | The data are available under the Open Database license:
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You can plan your travel to SRF Meditation Group Munich with MVV (journay planner for Munich Visitors) or you see belove:
Coming from the North - Nürnberg
Take A9 to the end of the motorway. Follow signs to Schenkendorfstraße /Landshut(B11)/ Zentrum/ Salzburg/ Deggendorf/ Passau. At the end of the motorway in
München-Schwabing (76) follow the directions for Mittlerer Ring Ost, and you will get into Schenkendorfstraße. After approx. 1,5km, it becomes Isarring, and takes you across the English Garden.
Stay in the right lane. After approx. 2km, turn right towards Stadtmitte (Center of the City), into Ifflandstraße. After approx. 1km drive half right into Widenmayerstraße. Continue driving
straight ahead. Widenmayerstraße changes into Emil-Riedel-Straße, Oettingenstraße, Sternstraße, Steinsdorfstraße. After crossing Maximilianstraße keep right and turn right into Obermaierstraße,
then turn left into Thierschstraße. After approx. 100m turn right into Liebherrstraße - number 4, after 50m on the left hand- side. The entrance is in the driveway on your left. From the end of
the motorway to the Munich SRF Center it takes approx. 15 Minutes.
Coming from the South - Salzburg
Take A8/E52/E45. At the interchange München-Süd keep straight ahead on A8, towards München-Zentrum. At the end of the motorway in München-Ramersdorf continue
straight ahead on Rosenheimer Straße. After approx. 4km you will get to the end of Rosenheimerstraße, turn left on the Ludwigsbrücke (Ludwigsbridge). After you have crossed the bridge, after
approx. 50m, turn right into Liebherrstraße - Number 4, after 50m on the left hand side. The entrance is in the driveway on your left. From the end of the motorway until here you need approx.
10-15 minutes.
Coming from the South - Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Starnberg
Take the motorway A95 towards Munich until the end. You will reach Louise Kieselbach Platz. Keep right and turn right onto the Mittlerer Ring Ost. Keep left and
follow the flow of Heckenstallerstraße. After approx. 1,6km it changes into Brudermühlstraße. You will get into the Brudermühltunnel, keep right. Approx. 1km after you exited the tunnel and after
crossing the river Isar take the first exit following the signs of Grünwald / Giesing / Zoo and drive half right into Candidstraße. At the first lights on Candidplatz, turn left into
Pilgersheimerstraße. You will get to Edlingerplatz. Continue straight ahead on Falkenstraße, for approx. 500m and turn left into Ohlmüllerstraße. Continue straight ahead and you will cross the
Reichenbachbrücke (Bridge) and turn right into Erhardstraße. After approx. 700m it changes into Steinsdorfstraße. Keep left and after approx. 180m turn left into Ländstraße. You will get unto
Thierschstraße, cross it and turn half right into Liebherrstraße - Number 4, after 50m on the left hand side. The entrance is in the driveway on your left. From the end of the motorway until here
you need approx. 10-20 minutes.
Coming from the West - Stuttgart and Augsburg
Take motorway A8 until the end and drive toward the centre of the city München-Zentrum. At the end of the motorway follow the flow of Verdistraße and the signs
towards Zentrum. Verdistraße changes its name into Menzingerstr., Amalienburgstr., Notburgastr. After approx. 3km, 300m after you passed Schloss Nymphenburg (on your right), you will reach
Romanplatz. Keep left and follow the flow of Arnulfstraße. After approx. 3km, after you have driven underneath Donnersbergerbrücke turn left into Marsstraße, it later becomes Elisenstraße. At the
Karlsplatz turn right into Sonnenstraße - direction Altstadtring Süd. After 800m you will reach Sendlinger-Tor-Platz, keep left and continue straight ahead on the Altstadtring ( Blumenstr., than
Frauenstr.). After approx. 1200m you will reach Isartorplatz. Turn right and keep left. At the first lights turn left into Tierschstr. After 100m turn left into Liebherrstraße - Number 4, after
50m on the left hand side. The entrance is in the driveway on your left. From the end of the motorway until here you need approx. 25-30 minutes.
By public transportation from the airport
Take the S-Bahn (Metro Line) - S8 towards the city. Get off at Isartor and take the rear exit towards the street. At the end of the staircase follow the signs
towards Kanalstraße. At the crossing of Kanal- and Liebherrstraße turn right into Liebherrstraße - number 4, after 50m on the right hand side. The entrance is in the driveway on your left. From
Isartor Station it is you need approx. 3-5 minutes by foot.
By public transportation from the main train station
Take any S-Bahn (Metro Line) towards Marienplatz/Ostbahnhof and get of at Isartor. Take the rear exit towards the street. At the end of the staircase follow the
signs towards Kanalstraße. At the crossing of Kanal- and Liebherrstraße turn right into Liebherrstraße - number 4, after 50m on the right hand side. The entrance is in the driveway on your left.
From Isartor Station it is you need approx. 3-5 minutes by foot.